Useful tips for Melitta Filters
1. The coffee filter

As a coffee specialist, Melitta® offers not only a wide variety of coffee machine filters, but also a wide range of coffee filters. A specific coffee filter size is necessary to ensure the best filter enjoyment, the size depends on the coffee machine you use and the number of cups of coffee you want to make. The range of coffee filters includes the Original, Gourmet and Natura product lines. For a very special taste experience, Melitta Gourmet® coffee filters feature innovative Aromaporen PLUS®, which increase the flow of fine coffee oils containing over 800 coffee flavors. Melitta Natura coffee filters focus on sustainability, with 60% fast-growing bamboo used in their construction. Natura and Original coffee filters have Aromazones that ensure the best coffee enjoyment.

2. What is so special about melitta natura filters?

Good for your coffee and nature: The filters are made from 40% fast-growing bamboo.

3. Why do I need to fold the filter before installing it?

To ensure optimal coffee preparation, the filter paper must be shaped to exactly fit the shape of the filter. This is done by folding the two folded edges. The filter paper is then positioned perfectly flush with the edge of the filter and sits deep into the filter insert. This good fit means that the paper will not fold in on itself during the manufacturing process.

4. What exactly does “1×4®” mean when it comes to paper filters?

When filtration was in its infancy, there were no coffee machines – in those days, coffee was brewed by hand. To do this, filters and paper size filters 100, 102®, etc. – depending on the number of cups required – they had to have water poured over them several times. It was only possible to estimate how much coffee would eventually end up in the pot. During the 1960s, Melitta invented the “1x filter system”. Depending on the size selected, only “1x” amount of water is poured over the coffee with these new filters and filter papers (i.e. 1×2 paper filter poured over 1x = 2 cups of coffee, 1×4® paper filter pours over 1x = 4 cups etc.) and offered the right number of cups – a boon for coffee lovers For a long time, both the 100x and 1x series existed side by side, given that households still had filters for both types. Today, almost all machines use “1×4®” filter papers because they offer the perfect size for the amount of water and coffee required in the mainstream 8-10 cup range of machines.

5. What size filter paper fits my coffee maker?

In total, there are seven different sizes of filter paper available in stores. The various sizes have evolved over time for various reasons (see: “What exactly does “1×4®” mean when it comes to filter paper?”). Indications for the correct size of filter paper can be found in the operating instructions of your coffee machine or on the filter itself. The correct size is particularly important, because otherwise there is a risk of the filter tearing or folding.

Frequently asked questions about Melitta appliances.

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions about Melitta appliances.

1. How often should I descale my coffee machine?

How often a coffee machine needs descaling depends on how often it is used and the hardness of the water. In the event that the machine is used every day, then for hard water use, it is recommended to carry out desalination twice a month, while for soft water use, once a month is sufficient.

2. What is the best way to descale my coffee machine?

For descaling a coffee machine, it is recommended to use a descaling liquid suitable for coffee machines.

3. How long can I keep coffee beans?

The best before date can be found on the packaging of the coffee beans. The minimum storage date is valid as long as the package is closed.

4. What is the best way to store coffee?

Roasted coffee is a delicate natural product, which can quickly lose its flavor if stored in the wrong way. Therefore, we recommend that you do not store the open package together with other strong-smelling foods. Protect your coffee from direct sunlight, heat and moisture, as these can adversely affect the taste. Store in a cool, dry and odor-free place. We also recommend that you store your coffee in its original packaging.

5. What does the grinding of the coffee bean have to do with the taste of the coffee?

The way the coffee beans are ground significantly affects the taste of the coffee. will have a stronger taste, while if the grind is coarse, the taste will be milder. If the coffee beans are finely ground, the coffee will have a stronger taste, while if the grind is coarse, the taste will be milder.

6. What is espresso?

Espresso is a small amount of concentrated coffee.

7. What is filter coffee?

Filter coffee is made from hot water passing through ground coffee. Hot water is filtered through gravity. When the water comes into contact with the ground coffee, the flavors, color and aroma of the coffee are extracted and dissolved in the water, a process also known as extraction.

8. What is the difference between filter coffee and espresso?

Espresso and filter coffee have only one thing in common. The coffee bean! Espresso is a concentrated coffee that is poured with pressurized water. The result is a small cup of coffee with a rich texture, a bittersweet taste and a golden foam known as crema. It needs at least 9 bar pressure to give the full flavor of the coffee.

9.Do all filter coffee makers have the same results?

The immediate answer is no. The right filtering and the right extraction rate are just some of the features that play an important role in the result.

Some key features:

  • As coffee consists of 98% water, the quality of the water significantly affects the taste of your coffee. Therefore, the water should not be too hard or too soft. Water hardness varies greatly from region to region. While water that is too soft increases the acidity of the coffee, water that is too hard reduces its acidity.
  • You must have the correct dosage of coffee. You should use the correct dosage of coffee with water, which will give you lighter or stronger coffee. The ideal dosage is 60g. of coffee per liter of water. The 10 cups of coffee will need 1.25 liters of water and 75g. coffee.
  • Correct temperature. The most correct temperature for filtering coffee is 92-96°. Any colder and the aroma will be lost from the bean. Any hotter and the coffee will become bitter.
10. Glass or metal jug?

The Filter Coffee Makers have glass or metal jugs (hot). The glass carafe uses a hot plate to hold the filtered coffee while the metal (warm) carafe maintains the temperature of the filtered coffee through its walls. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Many say that the glass jug that is continuously heated by the hot plate underneath it can change the taste of the coffee after some time. The metal jug keeps the temperature better but is more expensive and you can’t see how much coffee is inside.

11. Can I clean the coffee maker / kettle with vinegar?

Appliances should not be cleaned with vinegar because tar is created which is harmful to the body.

Fully automatic coffee machines.
The pressure does it – Advantages of fully automatic coffee makers.

A fully automatic coffee maker forces hot water through ground coffee at high pressure during the brewing process. Ground coffee comes into contact with water very quickly. Therefore, less bitter substances are released. Through the pressure and a special crema valve, a fine crema is created in the coffee – for a special coffee pleasure. For individual taste, with the most fully automatic coffee machines – as well as with CAFFEO® – the strength and amount of coffee can be adjusted individually.

Fully automatic coffee machine – the entire range of coffee specialties.

With CAFFEO® you can prepare a wide variety of specialty coffees. Depending on the combination of coffee beans, amount of coffee and amount of water, you can e.g. to prepare espresso or a completely normal cup of coffee. CAFFEO® fully automatic coffee machines also feature a milk frother – so that cappuccinos, latte macchiatos and more are made practically.

Two varieties of beans in a fully automatic coffee machine.

Most fully automatic coffee machines offer the option to use a second variety of coffee as ground coffee. In this case, we recommend using whole beans, which you grind just before preparation. If you intend to use two varieties of coffee on a regular basis, we recommend the CAFFEO® by Melitta® with Bean Select, the two-chamber pot. Choose between the two varieties of beans from cup to cup.

Delicious coffee takes just a few seconds.

Depending on the amount of water, preparing a cup takes between 25 and 55 seconds. With the fully automatic CAFFEO® coffee machine, you can prepare two cups at the push of a button.

Manual filtering

Everything starts with a good idea.

Melitta Benz was born in 1873 in Dresden, Germany, literally surrounded by… paper, since her father was a publisher. When she started her own family, Melitta initially did not work, and developed into the classichousewife of the time, however, the nature was alwaysrestless andcurious.

One of her main problems as a housewife was that the coffee machines of the time (similar in function to today’s moka pots) produced toobitter and strong tastingcoffee, something Melitta set out toimprove in any way she could. After realizing that the excessive bitterness of the coffee was due to theresidues left in the drink, he decided to throw himself into the effort of creating aneffective filter.

After experimenting with different materials, such as cloth, he settled on a material he knew well. By tearing out a page from her son’s notebook and nailing it to a copper mug, she made thefirst paper filter coffee brewing device in history!

Tips for handmade lovers

With manual filtration, the coffee should ideally be infused with water that is no longer boiling (a temperature between 86 and 98 °C is ideal). Then wait for a while (about 20 to 30 seconds) and then prepare the coffee with the remaining water. The particular advantage of manual filtering is that the brewing process can be perfectly adapted. With the injection method, the strength can vary:

  • If mild coffee is required, it is recommended to pour the entire amount of water into the filter immediately after brewing. If a stronger coffee wanted, the coffee is injected one spout at a time and the coffee is left to completely drain in between. a strong coffee is produced when the water is continuously enriched in bursts.
  • And one more final tip: If the coffee pot is heated with boiling water while filtering manually, the temperature and aroma of the coffee can be preserved even better.
Filter coffee maker
A brief history of the filter coffee maker

Electric coffee makers have been around since the 19th century. However, devices similar to the current ones were introduced only in the 1950s. Already in the early 1960s, Melitta® launched the first filter coffee machine on the market, in collaboration with Widman: “MA 120” – a company that made history. During these years, coffee machines – priced around DM 120.00 – were still a true luxury item. It wasn’t until 1970 that the filter coffee machine achieved its breakthrough. More and more suppliers came on the market and filter coffee makers developed into a mass product. The basic principle of heated water reaching the container drop by drop, through the coffee filter filled with ground coffee, has remained until today and has only been slightly modified over the years.

How exactly does it work?

Most filter coffee makers on the market work on the principle of gravity filtration.

This works like this:

  • Water is routed from the water tank through a directional pipe to the heater.
  • This is usually installed at the base of the machine (underneath the hob).
  • Here, the water is heated to around 100 °C. Via a riser, the heated water now reaches the ground coffee in the filter.
  • Even after the brewing process, the heater continues to work. For appliances with a glass jug, it keeps the coffee hot with the built-in hotplate
  • For thermal jug devices, it is not necessary. The carafe keeps the coffee warm, the heater turns off automatically after brewing is complete.
The fragrance selector.

Most coffee makers prepare the coffee the same way for each brewing process. The taste is only affected by the quality / dosage of the coffee used. The Melitta® Aroma Selector makes this easier for coffee lovers: It makes it possible to vary the strength of the coffee very easily and according to personal taste. The following Melitta® models have this feature: Look® Selection, Look® DeLuxe, Look® Therm DeLuxe, Enjoy® and Enjoy® Therm.

The knowledge of coffee
The flavor balance of coffee is affected by how it is roasted

Coffee beans are not always roasted the same – a distinction is made between different degrees of roasting. The critical factor of a good espresso is e.g. high quality beans, which are roasted darker than “regular” coffee beans. In preparing a good espresso, the ground coffee comes into contact with the hot water very soon. The result: less bitter substances and tannin and less caffeine than with conventional filter methods. Make sure the beans are always ground extra fine. The precious aromas are best “extracted” in this way.

The alpha and the omega: the coffee cream – delicate, sensual, aromatic

The layer created on the surface of the coffee is called crema. It has an oily-creamy, fine pore texture and binds aromas. The cream is created from water, which is pressed through the ground coffee at high pressure (about 15 bar). For coffee, crema is like a protective layer, as the aromas disappear more slowly.

Coffee and the color of its cream

The color of the cream is affected by several factors. If the cream is too dark, it can be e.g. because the brewing temperature is too high or the beans are ground too finely. If the crema is too light, it may be because the coffee has been ground too coarsely or the brewing temperature is too low. These factors can be affected by most automatic coffee makers.

The right water for perfect coffee enjoyment

Water and water are not alike. It has different hardnesses, i.e. different content of mineral salts. For ideal coffee enjoyment, it is recommended to use a specialized water filter, which removes salts and unpleasant flavors from the water and thus protects the machine while ensuring the basic strong taste. With the Melitta® CAFFEO® models, we recommend the use of the Melitta® Pro Aqua water filter, all models are supplied with a filter.